Window In A Box
Recently a customer brought in a stained glass window in a box. She had hired someone to restore one of the windows in the church she is renovating into a residence. He claimed to have lots of experience but the reality was he wasn’t experienced enough! He struggled with the removal of the window and in the end presented her with her window in a box and said he wouldn’t be able to reassemble it. Using one of her other windows as a pattern, we were able to reconstruct the window and reinstall it. We are now working on the restoration of the other stained glass lancets of the former church. The owner is confident that she now has someone knowledgeable and qualified to carry out the restoration of her historic stained glass.
Below is a picture of Zina releading the “Window in a Box”.
Below is a picture of the restored stained glass window reinstalled in its opening at the church, now residence.